Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Granite?
Granite is the most durable architectural building stone. This igneous rock is comprised mainly of quartz, graphite, mica and other minerals. The increasing popularity of this stone is a testament to its beauty, versatility and consistency. Used in a wide array of commercial and residential applications, granite is ideal for tile floors, walls and countertops, as well as exterior applications such as pavers and wall cladding. Granite is quarried worldwide.
3. Does granite need to be sealed to avoid staining?
Yes. It is our policy to seal every stone surface we install with a lifetime guarentee. Our sealer protects against any oils or water that may have sat on the surface of the stone for any length of time. Once we seal it for you there is no need to reseal the stone.
5. Is granite really scratch resistant?
Yes. Even if you cut directly down upon it in the coarse of normal, daily use, you will not mar the finish of your granite countertop.
7. Is it hard to care for a granite countertop?
Not at all. In fact, you will wish everything cleaned this easy. Just use a common non-abrasive commercial product, such as a glass cleaner, to wipe it down to keep its finish shining.
9. Will I know where my granite is from?
Probably not since granite is quarried all over the world. Our granite comes mainly from Italy and Brazil.
2. Why choose granite counter tops over synthetic materials?
Granite has become today’s countertop of choice for architects, cabinetmakers, kitchen designers and contractors. A granite counter top is virtually impervious to abrasions, stains and extreme heat. Additionally, the inherent qualities of granite — its color, patterns and shades — compliment any décor.
4. My granite kitchen counter top doesn’t look exactly like my sample. Why?
Granite is an organic substance and just as no two people are exactly alike, no two samples of granite will be either. The composition of minerals and the deposit it was quarried from all play a part in the appearance of granite. At Ital Marble & Granite, after selecting a sample, our customers then select the exact block of stone from which we fabricate their surface.
6. Is it true granite won’t chip, crack or ding?
Unless you’re planning on wailing away on your new granite counter top with a sledge hammer and chisel, we assure you it will not chip, crack or ding under normal use. Besides, the fabrication process is the most stressful on the stone, and if it doesn’t break at that point, it never will under normal circumstances in your home.
8. What’s the difference between a drop-in sink and an undermount sink?
A drop-in sink sits on top of the cutout in your granite counter. An under-mount sink sits beneath the counter. There is generally an extra polishing charge required in preparing a granite countertop for an under-mount sink.
10. Will I be happy with granite in my kitchen?
Yes! You will absolutely love it!